Sunday, June 15, 2014

Ipoh Laksa 真好吃!!

Update for today is Laksa, Ipoh laksa. i never know ipoh laksa is sour and extra SPICY !! Burn your tongue to the ground, oh man.once you try it, you still want it second and third one but don't eat more than 1 time ah.. sure sakit perut .

Friday, July 19, 2013

I love Apple!!!

Just a bite of apple make me feel awesome with the taste of it. When i'm still studying, especially doing assignment, apple are one of my favourite food. Awwww, juicy and tasty.Everyone loves apple.

Did you know?
 Delicious and crunchy apple fruit is one of the most popular fruits, favorite of health conscious, fitness lovers who believe in the concept “health is wealth.” This wonderful fruit is packed with rich phyto-nutrients that in the true senses indispensable for optimal health. The antioxidants in apple have much health promoting and disease prevention properties; thus truly justifying the adage, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
Apples are obtained from the medium-sized tree belonging to the Rosaceae family. The apple tree is originated in the mineral-rich mountain ranges of Kazakhstan, and now being cultivated in many parts of the world.
Apple fruit features oval or pear shape; and the outer skin has different colors depending upon the cultivar type. Internally, the juicy pulp has been off-white to cream in color and has to mix of mild sweet and tart taste. Its seeds are inedible because of their bitter taste.
Hundreds of varieties of apples are either eaten as table fruits or as dessert fruit grown in the US and worldwide. Some of the apples are sought-after in cooking and baking too.

Health benefits of apple
  • Delicious and crunchy apple fruit is notable for its impressive list of phtyto-nutrients, and anti-oxidants. Studies suggest that its components are essential for normal growth, development and overall well-being.
  • Apples are low in calories; 100 g of fresh fruit slices provide only 50 calories. They, however, contain no saturated fats or cholesterol. Nonetheless, the fruit is rich in dietary fiber, which helps prevent absorption of dietary-LDL or bad cholesterol in the gut. The fiber also saves the colon mucous membrane from exposure to toxic substances by binding to cancer-causing chemicals inside the colon.
  • Apples are rich in antioxidant phyto-nutrients flavonoids and polyphenolics. The total measured anti-oxidant strength (ORAC value) of 100 g apple fruit is 5900 TE. Some of the important flavonoids in apples are quercetin, epicatechin, and procyanidin B2. Additionally, they are also good in tartaric acid that gives tart flavor to them. Altogether, these compounds help the body protect from deleterious effects of free radicals.
  • Apple fruit contains good quantities of vitamin-C and beta-carotene. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the body.
  • Further, apple fruit is a good source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamin, and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6). Together these vitamins help as co-factors for enzymes in metabolism as well as in various synthetic functions inside the body.
  • Apple also contains a small amount of minerals like potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure; thus, counters the bad influences of sodium.

    So ladies, apple also can give health in your daily diet. Grab some apple and let eat!! 
    Credit  post: Nutrition and you
    Picture from: Stuff Point

Monday, April 1, 2013

New look

Wazzup beauty!! Seem like my blog need some time to update back, i think my blog so mess.will be back soon with new look.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

One simple CHANGE!!!

"Sometime being a little selfish can make you happier. BY MICHELLE LIAN."

If you're feeling like you're constantly running on empty from giving all you've got to everyone else but yourself, try this Do something that makes you HAPPY. While often attemping to be generous to other virtuous, it can sometime lead to resentment, say Gretchen Rubin, the author of Happier At Home.


 "This sound selfish, but in fact, being honest with myself make me less demanding and resentful," says Rubin of her own experiences with this practices on her blog. The Happiness project,  so the next time you feel like doing something nice for someone, try doing it for yourself first. You may just find yourself feeling happier and more contented.

I try this tips, it really work, i try it and give me big banana smile. even i feel this is just a word but when we do it for ourself, it give happiness that we never though. Just try it my friend, u will see it. that all from cici . So long. With love and care from cici.

Source : Shape Magazine, picture:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Coke HUG ME Machine

 Believe or not there are machine that people hug it then get free cola.. isn't that amazing!! Wow!! I wish this Machine have in malaysia.

They say money can’t buy you love, but apparently a little love can buy you a bottle of Coke.
A new Coca-Cola vending machine at the National University of Singapore is programmed to dispense a bottle of Coke when a person wraps their arms around the machine, the New York Daily News reports

The vending machine has the inviting words “Hug Me” written on its front in Coca-Cola’s signature font.
This new love-fest is the result of a marketing initiative called “Open Happiness,” according to a press release.

“Whether you were hugging the machine or experiencing the event online, our goal was the same – to put a smile on your face and share that emotional connection,” Coca-Cola Company spokesman Leonardo O’Grady said in the release. “Reactions were amazing… people really had fun with it and at one point we had four to five people hugging the machine at the same time as well as each other!”
And we have to admit, watching a dozen of smiling people hug an inanimate object to the beat of uplifting music really did put a smile on our face. There are plans to introduce more “Hug Me” vending machines in locations across Asia.

That all from cicie, wonderful life in the new beginning of 2013. Hope we all show our love not for thing but show it with pride to other that love is amazing and can't buy it using money. Chill Babe!!

Source: News Feed, Picture: News Feed , Video: News feed

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Chocolate oh chocolate!!

Yo friend!! whatcha doing?? nothing special happen this weekend but it's CHRISTMAS!! Yeah, i am so happy because i got so many present. The most i like is present from my foster brother, it's  CHOCOLATE!! i got four bars of chocolate, my favourite chocolate flavour. Talking about chocolate, today my topic is Chocolate. Let's begin!!

Chocolate comes from a fruit called a pod that grows on the cacao tree. A seedling tree generally must mature for five years before it produces pods, with peak pod production happening at 10 years. A cocoa tree can bear fruit and produce pods for 30 to 40 years. Each pod is similar in size to a football, and contains up to 50 cocoa beans. To make one ounce of milk chocolate, it takes 4 cocoa beans, and one ounce of dark chocolate requires 12 beans. An average American or Canadian will consume about 12 pounds of chocolate per year. However, the Swiss are the world’s largest consumers of chocolate, eating about 22 pounds of chocolate per person per year!
Chocolate Helps to Prevent “Bad” Cholesterol
Chocolate  is rich in phenolics, the same heart protective antioxidants found in wine.  In fact, 1.5 ounces of chocolate -the amount of a typical chocolate bar - has as many phenolitcs as a glass of red wine.  These chemicals help lower the risk of heart disease and prevent clot-like substances from clogging arteries. Stearic acid, a saturated fat found in red meat and chocolate, does not raise cholesterol levels compared to other saturated fats.   Cells treated with stearic acid, which are normally found in beef and chocolate appear to cut the liver's output of fat and work to help pull "bad" cholesterol out of the blood.

Chocolate is Low in Caffeine
Chocolate is comparatively low in caffeine. For example a one-ounce piece of milk chocolate contains approximately 6 milligrams of caffeine, while a five-ounce cup of decaffeinated brewed coffee contains 3 milligrams of caffeine, and a five-ounce cup of caffeinated instant coffee contains 65 milligrams of caffeine. A five-ounce cup of brewed coffee can have upto 115 milligrams of caffeine. Tea is also high in caffeine - ranging from 30-60 milligrams for a five-ounce cup.

 Another Reason for you to Enjoy Chocolate, guilt free
Dark chocolate has been identified has high in Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. ORAC is a method of measuring antioxidant capacity, and has been applied to vegetables, spices, fruits and berries. There is a high correlation between high antioxidant capacity and the free-radical theory of aging - meaning foods high in ORAC help combat the effects of aging due to free-radicals. In every 100g of dark chocolate there are 13,120 ORAC, compared to 5938 in one cup of strawberries or 13,427 in a cup of blueberries. 

Chocolate Makes You Feel Great
Chocolate is part of a healthy, balanced diet and it makes you feel great! A substance in chocolate called theobromine triggers the release of endorphins, which are chemicals, produced by the brain, that act like a natural antidepressant and can temporarily relieve the blues.Chocolate Helps You Live Longer
Research proves that candy eaters live almost a year longer than those who abstain.

Chocolate Helps You Live Longer
 Research proves that candy eaters live almost a year longer than those who abstain.

Chocolate is Good for You
Research has confirmed that chocolate is a good source of the kind of antioxidants found in tea. But actually, the antioxidant content of chocolate is four times that of tea. Plus, the fat in chocolate can help your immune system and it can also help outwit cytokines by reducing your susceptibility to infections and inflammation.

 Chocolate Won't Cause Acne
Scientists have concluded that pure chocolate won't cause acne.

Chocolate Can Aid in Whiter Teeth
A dark bar, with its high cocoa-to-sugar ratio, may actually discourage tooth decay and lead to fewer cavities and whiter teeth.

  Ease a Cough With Chocolate
 One of chocolate's active ingredients, Theobromine, suppresses activity in the vagus nerve, which causes coughing. According to a study published in a recent issue of The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology journal, it was one-third more effective at stopping a persistent cough than a placebo. 
Suggested serving size: One 50-gram bar of dark chocolate or two cups (500 mL) of hot cocoa (made with real cocoa, not hot chocolate mix) per day. 

That all from cici, enjoy your holiday .. Merry christmas and Happy New Year buddy.. See ya.. 

Resource from Purdy's 
Picture taken from Chocolatier

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Why do cats like boxes

Because they feel warm and safe. cats have few predators, but still prefer to sleep somewhere they cannot be seen. they use ambush tactics to hunting, and a box is a good place which to spring out. they also seek warmth and cardboard, a good insulator, feels nice and warm to sit on.

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